I’ve now completed 4 weeks of WFH. We were asked to send in photos of us working remotely, so I had to include Ze Pequeno.
Ze loves his new dinosaurs. I was initially worried that they would be too big, but he carries them around and wrestles with them.
Ze also lost over a kilo (2.5lbs) since last Saturday. We’ve been running with him more, feeding him less pellets, and supplementing with roasted squash.
We didn’t get carry out as much this week- our first carry out for the week was Friday night.
We made jerk chicken with asparagus and quinoa, pizza a few times, and I lived on eggs most days. 
We got michelada mix from Big Mich- a Chicago based business and it is so good.
We got food from Firehouse turtle cheese cake + chicken sandos (not pictured), and got carry out from Mom’s on Saturday- Spam musubi, Pork katsu sando and tamago sandos.
We will continue to eat out less and less. I think our mindset is shifting towards going out as a “treat” vs convenience.
I ran with Ze 2x. He was so happy to run with us. He goes crazy when he has his running harness on- he squeaks and pulls until we start running.
I was shocked at the amount of people who weren’t wearing face coverings. L and I wear Buffs and pull them up when we see other people. But the amount of disgusting mouth breathing runners was surprising given all the recommendations to wear a covering to help prevent the spread as many of us could be carrying the Covid and not even know it.
We also ran with L on Saturday morning. Buckingham fountain was predictably empty.
I cycled 142 miles. I’ve been enjoying cycling a lot (from my living room).
30 mile ride in virtual London on Easter.
It’s very clear the way the US handled the pandemic from the start was full of incompetence. When governors came out this past week saying “we didn’t know until yesterday covid was transmitted through the air” all you can do is shake your head in disgust. They also predictably come from states which reject science, aka facts.
I know of 2 people who have lost loved ones to Covid 19 in the past week. Even before knowing this- L and I have been doing everything possible to prevent us from spreading this virus. Not everyone is taking the same approach and it makes me upset.
It was so nice to talk to Anne and Kim on Friday evening over Zoom. I “see” them more now than we did before.
Saturday L and I joined a virtual chat with people from our run club in 4 different cities in Russia + Los Angeles. It was interesting to hear what is going on in Moscow, Kazan, Minsk, And Novorossiysk.
Saturday post run I went to the grocery store for the first time in a month. It was busier than I expected but most people were wearing masks. Toilet paper was completely gone but they had plenty of food- I meant to go check out the flour aisle but forgot. Only because I was curious if people were still hoarding baking supplies. (We’ve got plenty of flour currently)
Happy sourdough starter.
Sunday we cooked ham and veggies for dinner and also had our weekly virtual check in /happy hour with our run club. It’s been nice to be able to see everyone and hear what they are going through. I know we will all be stronger on the other side of this.
We still look forward to 8pm each night. The highlight of this week was an officer blaring “New York, New York” over their speaker. Saturday’s tribute was dedicated to NYC.
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