My mom made us masks to wear.
5 weeks of working remotely now. Not much has changed on the work front- I’m able to run the new reports and analytics more efficiently so I can get other tasks done. We have a lot of video meetings which are nice to see everyone.
Ze is a happy boy. He turned 3 and we celebrated by bringing a few of his racquet balls out of toy jail. He has been carrying them around with him all over the house.
He also brings them to me while I’m at work.
We cooked a lot at home again. We only get carry out Friday night and the weekend now.
Eggs are a huge staple of my diet now- it’s so nice to have the time to be able to make a breakfast or lunch egg sando.
We also made pizza again- pepperoni, olive pizza and truffle goat cheese, mushroom. The truffle goat cheese is especially delicious with salted tomatoes.
We made breakfast tacos with leftover tortillas and pico from dinner Saturday night. I got a box of meat from a local purveyor so we cooked steak. I also made soy like marinated chicken and restocked our pizza dough supply.
We had a ham egg sando from Spoke and Bird, burger and carrot cake from Firehouse, Mexican food from La Cantina and leftover Ube donut from Moms.
It’s been nice to cook at home more- I hope to start trying new recipes out of the cook books I’ve accumulated. I should get “The Adventures of Fat Rice” in the next day or so, and I’m excited to make some Macanese (Portuguese - Chinese) food. (I am sad Fat Rice has closed. It was one of our favorite restaurants).
I cycled 7 times for a total of 144 miles. I’m really enjoying cycling for an hour in the morning.
Zé Pequeno and I ran 5 times for a total of 13 miles.
We have a lot of fun running early in the mornings before it gets too busy out.

I am surprised at the number of nasty mouth breathing runners who don’t wear any face coverings despite evidence that wearing something can help prevent the spread. We wear our covers the entire run because I don’t want to touch my face unnecessarily during a run.
I am surprised at the number of nasty mouth breathing runners who don’t wear any face coverings despite evidence that wearing something can help prevent the spread. We wear our covers the entire run because I don’t want to touch my face unnecessarily during a run.
Illinois is still under a “stay at home” order until 4/30. I feel like any day this will get extended.
The government is full of incompetence. No surprise when people elected a reality TV clown to office who appoints unqualified friends and family in place of scientists and people with actual knowledge in the subject areas.
People still can’t get tested without a lot of hoops to jump through. (Let alone that the accuracy of the tests can produce false negative up to 30%). Reopening the economy will be a monumental task- because if everyone rushes back to “normal” activities, then a second wave of the virus will hit.
I still see people online posting “social distance” selfies with groups. It’s a slap in the face to people working on the front lines. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. (Broken record intraday sure)
I feel fortunate L and I are able to work from home- but feel terrible for friends and people in general affected by the closures. We try to support our favorite places so that they exist in a world post covid.

Running outside, even for a couple of miles with Ze has helped my mood tremendously. No surprise there. I sat out on the balcony on Sunday for 30 min and got slightly sunburned from the reflection on our window. Ha. The sun felt so good.

Virtual happy hours have been great. Technology is so cool.
Virtual happy hours have been great. Technology is so cool.
100% that. I live for 8pm each night.
Mmmm eggs :) That's what I have for lunch most days too! I'll saute some veggies, giardiniera (which I'm thankful we can find here), throw in some pre-grilled chicken breast and egg whites and have that with a piece of toast most days. Making my own lunch is pretty much my favorite thing about working from home.
ReplyDeleteUgh, the testing issue. A friend of mine who lives there has every COVID symptom and her doctor is pretty sure she has it, but she can't get a test because she's not "sick enough" which is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
I'm just as eager for things to start opening back up as everyone else, but it's NOT WORTH IT if a second wave of this virus hits and kills even more people. 40,000 Americans have died from this already and the federal government STILL isn't taking it seriously, but instead is inciting dumbasses with guns to protest their liberties being taken away. I can't even.
Happy Birthday to Ze! :)