Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 6 of base building for races next year

This was my first cutback week in a while, and first rest day in a long time- 21 days to be exact! I dont think i've gone that long without a rest day ever. Some of the runs and cycling during the past few weeks were super easy- like pup runs- but I am always analyzing how I feel to avoid over training and would take rest days if necessary, yada yada yada. 

I couldnt have planned a better week for a cutback than this past week. And I cant even take credit for purposely making this a cutback, it just happened all serendipity and shit. Which does remind me that I really ought to sit down and write out an outline of base training so I can be more focused and more efficient as the days grow closer to actual training. 


Monday: 7 miles cycle

Tuesday: **REST**

Wednesday: 14 miles cycle

Thursday: 5 mile run

Friday: 12 mile cycle, 3 mile run

Saturday: 14 mile cycle, 3 mile beer run

Sunday: 18 mile cycle

Total: 76 miles for 6:10 duration

Swim: goose egg

Bike: 65 miles, 4:16

Run: 11 miles, 1:33

Weights: 20 min

Goals for next week:

  • Plan out my training for at least the next 2 months. A rough sketch outline is acceptable.
  • Incorporate some cycling drills into my trainer sessions.
  • Ride the trainer since I neglected it last week.
  • Swim because I neglected it last week and didnt feel like riding my bike in a storm.
  • Continue to work on nutrition during hour + workouts. 


We went to FOBAB (Festival of wood and barrel aged beers) Friday evening and got to see the first snow fall. yay...

We had so many amazing beers that had come into contact with wood or a barrel at some point. I had 21+ beers that were all super unique and delicious which is what I enjoy most about craft beer. 
Saturday we had our South Loop Beer run! 7 of us plus CB went out in the snow and ran from bar to bar and had beer.
The snow was so pretty, until the next morning when it turned to black ice. {sad face}
We had such a fun time running in the snow and drinking beer a some of our favorite South Loop bars/breweries- like Kasey's, Vice District, First Draft and Villains.



  1. So cool that you were able to take CB on the beer run! It was also cool that it snowed for your run. Saturday was my rest day, so I didn't get to run in the snow, but I was tempted. Yes, a training plan (at least a rough outline) is a good idea if for nothing else to schedule rest days and to get a bigger picture of your base building.

  2. Love the snapshots, and I must say you are just gorgeous. CB looks SO happy he got to run with you! :-)
