Thursday, October 1, 2015

A busy day

At 2:30 am CB woke us up. We quickly threw on our clothes because we knew not to question him. We took the elevator to the street where he proceeded to vomit multiple times and have diarrhea. Crisis averted! I then take 20 minutes to google his symptoms/home remedies and found that not giving more than a few teaspoons of water at a time helps prevent additional vomiting. Whereas letting him drink all he wants would induce more vomiting.

A few hours later the same thing happened and I jumped out of bed and took him out so he could once again relieve himself.

Another 2 hours pass and I take him out one last time before heading to work. He barks at small kids in the elevator which makes me slightly less concerned about him being sick. I give him a few probiotic treats and don't give him breakfast.

I feel bad leaving him to go to work, but L was working from home so I knew CB was in good hands.

At work I had to go to a different building and count our inventory of supplies. 4.5 hours later the we got to take a break and see some gorgeous views of Chicago which made me feel just a bit better.

On my way home I got CB some oatmeal, rice and carrots to cook a super bland meal that he will eat for the next few days until things return to normal.

He ate all of the small amount of food I gave him and looked at me with those sweet blue eyes begging for more- which I declined due to the early AM events.

He ended up sleeping through the night without incident and now seems to be back to normal. I have no idea what caused this stomach bug but I'm happy he's feeling better.



  1. What a smart guy! And good for you for listening to the warning signs when staying in bed is so much more tempting! Hopefully he is all back to normal now!

  2. Aw, CB! Glad to hear he's feeling better! Random stomach bugs happen to the best of us - at least he was polite enough to wake you and make you take him outside (I knew some dogs who did not do that LOL).

    Have you tried pumpkin for his tummy troubles? It's supposed to be pretty soothing and good for helping to calm things down.

  3. I am happy he's better! You've had issues with him drinking too much water before, right?

  4. Thank goodness you got him down to the street before he let go of his "stuff"! Glad to hear he made a relatively quick rebound! Great pics of the city - especially your Bean pic with the Lego toy vibel! :)

  5. Sending love and hugs for you guys and CB!!! It's no fun when our babes aren't feeling well!
