The odds were slim to get in, so I didn't have high hopes of making it. Also, kind of relieved to dodge the inevitable $everal thousand dollar cost associated with this trip. I especially question the use of the exclamation points in the above... "Sorry! You're not in !!!!!" NYC marathon, well done on your punctuation marks and editing!!!!
2nd thing:
With the news from above!! And news that my goal BQ 2013 marathon conflicts with a friends wedding outside of the country, I am currently left without a fall marathon. (minus the Chicago marathon that I'm running with WW) I am slightly bummed about it, but very very happy to visit a new country. It's only running anyways. Perhaps focusing on a shorter distance like the half marathon for this fall, and remaining injury free is the smartest path to take- which will catapult me into a great place for a winter or early spring marathon.
3rd Thing:
This is how I currently feel. I've got some allergies or a mild cold and am somewhat pissed about it. There are loads of sick people at work that should have stayed at home, but instead came to the office to share their germs with everyone. How effffn thoughtful!
4th Thing:
My mom is arriving tomorrow!! and I couldn't be more happy to bum around Chicagoland with her! Thanks to all of your comments on This post, I now have enough Chicago attractions to visit with her for the next 4 visits. The hard part will be narrowing down the list for the 2.5 days she is here.
5th Thing:
So because the last few "things" have been more rant-like, I'll end on a more positive note.
I really enjoyed our 8 mile run this past weekend. Even though the path was more crowded than previous times, CB stayed on track and was pretty good.
I'm really looking forward to taking my mom out on the path this weekend!
Do you run if you're sick?
-I feel a little tired, a bit more congested than normal with a slight sore throat (sleeping with mouth open?). Might try a few miles tonight.
Which cool races are you running this fall-winter?
Who has the best deep dish in Chicago?
-since I'm a recent transplant to Chicago, im not up with the best of the best deep dish... I've heard Gino's and UNO are good. Tell me your favorite!
- xaar